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TPG internet extremely slow

Level 2

I am paying for a roughly $55 plan with tpg for around a 20mbps download speed etc but most of the time I am getting dogwater internet speeds. This didn't use to happen before, a couple months ago I'd get an average of 5-10mbps download and 5mbps upload not great but not unusable. During this time I got an average ping of around 30ms when I play games like valorant. Now it's like the internet is having mood swings. Sometimes I get the mentioned speeds but most of the other times I get around 2000+ms ping on val, with internet speeds of up to 0.71 mbps download and less than 1mbps upload.  It's like sometimes your internet decides to stop doing its job and gives up entirely. I can barely load a google doc or even watch a 360p video on youtube. My pc is connected to the modem via ethernet and the modem is placed right next to a window. There are only a couple devices connected to the internet but this shouldn't affect it cause it didn't happen before. There are no downloads happening in the background or any other heavy bandwith consuming applications . The internet seems to do whatever it pleases and It seems like I'm paying $55 for caveman speeds. 


Hi @bokchoymaster69

We're curious as to what service or NBN technology you are subscribed to.

Send away your Customer ID or username via private message so we can get started in getting your speeds back on track. 



Level 2

I believe I currently have the Homeless Wireless Broadband for $55 per month for a max speed of 20mbps.

Not applicable

Hi @bokchoymaster69,


Send us your details so we can proceed with the initial investigation to check what causing slow connection to the service.


We'd like to set your expectation that 20Mbps is suitable for browsing, emails, social media, streaming music, SD and HD video. It is not suitable for 4K streaming and may not be suitable for online gaming


I believe I currently have the Homeless Wireless Broadband for $55 per month for a max speed of 20mbps.