Unstable FTTB

Level 3

My NBN FTTB connection seems to frequently drop out momentarily. This drops my Netskope authentication connection, amongst other drop outs. This only started happening recently. I made a number of service calls and am told connection is "within specifications". 
How can I get this resolved? It is making internet unusable for security applications. 

Level 3

I think I fixed it with a so called "30-30-30 hard reset"


A normal reset did not work

Level 3

I received text messages from the techical service that my service was "within specification", which it obviously wasn't.

Despite advice from helpful person on phone support,  I was unable to resove this for more than a few minutes (by 30-30-30 rebooting the router). I therefore had no choice but to change ISP (which has fixed the problem). Now I find I also have to pay TPG a cancellation fee.