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VR1600v Access Control

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Level 2

I am trying to block some devices on my VR1600v. I have set up some item in the Access Control Blacklist and hit "Save". But the devices are still not blocked. I rebooted the router and the items are STILL not blocked. 

What am I doing wrong ?



Accepted Solutions
Level 2

Hi David,


Thanks for your reply. 


I couldn't try the other 2 devices in that original list, as they are the ones I don't know about, and am trying to block. However, I added another device, and it worked. So, I deleted my phone from the list, and re-added it .. and it works now. 

Not sure why it didn't work the first time .. ?

Thanks for your help,


Kind regards ..

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Hi @bujinman . Having saved the settings, did you activate access control? The router lets the device connect but stops all network access.

Level 2

Hi David,


Yes .. Access Control is activated. In the screenshot, you'll see "'Addy's Pho_ACL". Eventhough that device is in the Blacklist, I can still access the Internet with it. My data/4G connection is turned off.






Hi @bujinman . Is access control working for the first 2 devices in the picture?

Any chance it is the phone's bluetooth address instead of wifi address?  Did you block the phone using the Block icon in the list of online devices?

Does your router have build 200810 level of firmware?

Level 2

Hi David,


Thanks for your reply. 


I couldn't try the other 2 devices in that original list, as they are the ones I don't know about, and am trying to block. However, I added another device, and it worked. So, I deleted my phone from the list, and re-added it .. and it works now. 

Not sure why it didn't work the first time .. ?

Thanks for your help,


Kind regards ..

Level 3

Hi David,

Not sure if you testing your internet speed before and after enabling the Access Control. 

I had a TPG tech out just now because I was not getting the speed I was paying for. But after some testing, it was confirmed the issue was the router vr1600v. After a hardware reset, I am back to my normal "paid" speed.


As it was a hardware reset, I started putting back all the security settings I had before. And the same speed issue showed up. I disabled Access Control and speed picked up again. Now I need to find another way to block access :-(


You might want to test it out for yourself.

