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Wifi connection keeps dropping out

Level 2
My wifi connection has become considerably slow and worst of all it keeps dropping out every few seconds. I haven’t had any issues with this connection before but now it’s hardly useful. Is there any way to check what the issue could be?

Hi @Thecat2010


Welcome to the Community! 


Sorry to hear that you have been experiencing connection issues. We're here to help! 


I've managed to locate your account using your Community details and have also seen detected drop outs. Based on the initial line tests, we need to check a line fault which might require a tech visit. 


I have raised the issue now to our Engineering Team for further assessment. They should provide you with an update within the next 24-48hrs either via phone call or SMS. Please ensure to still leave your modem connected and turned on. 


Should you have a preferred time and an alternate number to be contacted, please do let us know via private message



Thank you!