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landline phone -not working

Level 2

I have connected to NBN connection this evening and connected my phone to the router and i am not able to get connected. does it require to be activated at your end please let me know

I have been using the phone with TPG For last 6 years. please advice or send msg to 0401455683


Not applicable

Hi @ashwathg,


Welcome to TPG Community!


We have located the account using your community details. We have checked the status of your service and it appears that the VoIP is currently registered. Did you connect the telephone to the phone 1 port of the TPG modem?


You can refer to this link for the set up: Where to plug in your telephone handset with NBN?


If you are still having issues, please PM us your most convenient time to receive a call so we can have a technical specialist contact you.


To send a PM, please refer to this link: How do I private message (PM) in the community