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multiple disconnects / new IP assigned.

Level 2

Hi I've recently (over the past 5 days), had my internet interrupted by tpg and have had a new IP assigned to me each time a service interrupt has occurred. Most recent interrupt has resulted in me being assigned an IP that is publicly recognised as an iiNet IP address.


I have tried calling earlier this evening utilising the call back feature with an approximate wait time of 40 minutes, and it has since been over an hour since it was initiated with no response from TPG.


Any support or assistance is appreciated.

Not applicable

Hi @smiddy33,


The change of IP address is normal when service reconnects from our network since TPG Residential NBN service comes with Dynamic IP address.


On the other hand, there are different types of dropouts that you may experience:


1. Network dropouts, this dropout is caused by a line fault on TPG or NBN's network. Affecting all device(s) LAN/Wireless connected to the modem/router this may require a real-time test and investigation by our Technicians and Engineers.


2. Wireless dropouts, this issue only affects the device(s) connected via Wi-Fi which can easily be fix by doing adjustment to the modem/router's settings.


3. Dropouts caused by ongoing outage in your area. 


In the event that you experience dropouts via Wireless/Wi-Fi connection, we recommend having a read on the following articles:


• Troubleshooting a Slow Internet Connection

• Easy Steps to Improve Wi-Fi Connection In Your Home

• Wireless Channel on your modem - what is it and why should I change it


Let me know how it will go.





Hi I've recently (over the past 5 days), had my internet interrupted by tpg and have had a new IP assigned to me each time a service interrupt has occurred. Most recent interrupt has resulted in me being assigned an IP that is publicly recognised as an iiNet IP address.


I have tried calling earlier this evening utilising the call back feature with an approximate wait time of 40 minutes, and it has since been over an hour since it was initiated with no response from TPG.


Any support or assistance is appreciated.


@Anonymous . I think the user knows about having a dynamic ip address that changes. The query was why the latest address appears to be an iiNet address.

Also, user is suffering from network dropouts, not a wifi problem.

@smiddy33 .

Level 2
Thanks for the responses! Yes I am aware that I have a dynamic IP that changes. My quiries/issue is that i shouldnt be having multiple connection dropouts in a single week when each time one has occurred, there havent been any known outages/faults/issues registered on tpg or the nbn’s service status pages.

Additionally, as David noticed in my original post, i am now receiving an iiNet registered IP as opposed to a tpg registered one.
Level 2
So the issues are still continuing… managed to call tpg this evening and the person on the phone’s solution was to perform a factory reset on my router. Unfortunately that isn’t an option due to how my router is configured (its my dhcp server with custom firewall rules etc…) digging around further looks like something is going on tpg side with dns… as typically i use either cloudflare or google dns as they are much more responsive. But this past week i have had nothing but issues. Switching to tpg’s dns does give me stable internet but i’m only receiving 40% of my speeds. So if this trend continues for another week of not having speeds i pay for or not having dns service i choose. I may end up looking for a new service provider.

@smiddy33 . What type of NBN connection do you have? And what plan speed?

The DNS only provides an ip address and doesn't affect routing. Have you had problems using cloudfare and google DNS?

If you use TPG's speed test, does each graph proceed smoothly during the download and upload? What speeds do you get?

Is there any setting for QoS/Bandwidth Control in router config?

When you have a disconnect, can you save the router's system log to your computer, then copy and paste the relevant bit (from just before disconnect to end of reconnect) into your reply.

Level 2
@david64 nbn connection is fttp, the agent on the phone did a line reset which didnt return stability. This is the first time i’ve ever had a problem with cloudflare or google dns. Tpg speedtest wouldnt run using either of those dns services. It only ran when i swapped to tpg’s dns and when it did run it was only giving me about 80MB/s down. My current plan is the ultrafast (approx 250MB/s down and 40MB/s up). Upload speeds were not affected on tpg dns.

I do not have any QoS or bandwidth control enabled for wired devices, and i checked during the interrupts that no other devices were hogging bandwidth.

The next time an interrupt occurs, i’ll see if i can pull logs.

Thanks for the assistance.