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Good afternoon, I am hoping that someone can help me
I have my own email address with TPG, It is the main email
As attachments to that email, my wife and son also have an email address each
This morning, I successfully transferred my main email address to The Messaging Company with no problems.
I have spent the last 5 hours trying to transfer my wife and son's email accounts, without any response or success from The Messaging Company
My question is "Do I have to transfer each one email individually or will my wife and son's emails tranfer over with mine as we are all covered on the one internet account?"
This is slowly sending me nuts and I can't find anything on TPG Support
Many thanks for that
I'll keep trying
What's happening is that now I'm getting the acceptance code 3 - 4 hours after I request it, not in 5 to 15 minutes as promised
Many thanks for that
I'll keep trying
What's happening is that now I'm getting the acceptance code 3 - 4 hours after I request it, not in 5 to 15 minutes as promised