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nbn keep on disconnect

Level 3
Disconnect frequently for this few days , in chatswood victor street ,i wonder whats the problem , is it only me facing this problem?
Not applicable

Hi @waiho2722,


No reported issue in Chatswood.

I'd like to know on which device(s) you experience the connection drop-out.



Level 3
on my laptop and iphone, now at 4 pm drop out too.. it so annoying , pls help me figure it out , is it the router provided by tpg problem or something else?
Not applicable

Hi @waiho2722,

I assume Laptop is also connected via Wi-Fi is that right?


Also, Please PM me your account details (username/customer ID or contact number associated with the account)


I will run initial tests on your connection.



Level 3
sometimes i restart the router several times , only can solve the drop out problem for a few hours. the next day when i use , drop out problem occur again. i have tried to change another adsl cable , restart the modem , change the location of router , change to another adsl port, still did not solve the problem, the adsl light on the router keep drop off each 3-5 min. after that it connect back and drop off again ... please help me
Level 3
yes , laptop and iphone is connected via wifi . i pm you my details
Not applicable

Thanks for sending me your details. I will run initial tests on your connection and get back to you shortly.

Not applicable

Hi waiho2722,

Based on test results there's a multiple drop-outs reported on your connection. I will arrange a call from one of our Technicians for further tests and assistance using your given contact number


Allow us to call you 1-2hrs from now.




Not applicable

Hi @waiho2722,


One of our Technicians tried to contact you yesterday unfortunately no luck.

Please let me know should you require further assistance and what will be your best contact time and we'll have our Technicians call you again.



Level 3
still keeping drop out , need help . u can call the number today