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no longer able to receive or send emails from outlook

Level 2

I live in QLD and have used tpg for email via outlook for many years.  Have occasionally had problems over the years but mosytly resolved over a few days.  travelled to UK 2 weeks ago and initially in mainland UK and all worked OK .  Travelled to Guernsey an offshore island and could receive emails but couldn't send.  Had a long session with TPG which failed to resolve situation, in fact worsened it..  actions included removing existing account and seeting it up again,  Resulted in now unable to either send or receive emails.  They are there in post office and I can operate my mails from web  but in outlook I get a send receive error.  Seperately went to a local computer shop and was told that port 25 as outgoing port wont work in Guernsey and was told things may/should work OK when I return to mainland UK in 4 weeks (and then back to Australia 2 days later).  I have been playing around with set up in outlook but to no avail.  was promised some response from TPG via post office email but nothing .   Any ideas 


Hi @adsl2ijx . For sending, try port 587 with security NONE or STARTTLS.

For receiving, port 110 with security NONE or STARTTLS.

Level 2

Failed in set up checking process

Incoming server rejected login 

Outgoing server internal error


Hi, @adsl2ijx.


We want to make sure you’re getting the help you need. Can you PM us with your account details for us to check the update from the PostMaster?


How do I private message (PM) in the community?

Level 2

? Joey

What exactly is the information you require. 

I definitely dont feel I am getting the help I need.  Not a nice feeling when one is 12000 miles form home and unable to adequately use the email service from TPG