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yahoo mail site not available

Level 2

When connected through wifi all sites work excepy yahoo mail. If I bypass wifi yahoo mail works. Applies on 2 laptops via chrome and edge and 2 mobiles via yahoo app. I have rest my modem. I have cleared browser cache. I can ping I just cannot get to it from any browser or any phone app. It is clearly something TPG is preventing as visitors also have the same problem. Is TPG restricting the domain or something?


Hi @jhofstra . The 2 mobiles only have wifi so they're stuck.

Both laptops also have ethernet? And works on them when using ethernet?

On the laptops using a browser, you're trying to access "webmail"?

When using wifi, what happens when you put in the browser?
An error message? Do you get a "took too long" message after about 2 minutes?


Using wifi, in a command window, do   telnet 80

You should get a blank screen, press Enter, there's a lot of text, and "Connection to host lost" at end.

Then do   telnet 443

You should get a blank screen. Hold down Enter until command terminates.

Each command creates a connection to same as browser.


Do same commands when laptop connected by ethernet for comparison.

Level 2

All access via web browser and android yahoo app fail. On laptop it gets "site is unavailable" on mobiles yahoo notifications work but no new messages appear and text is blank.


The issue occurs even on the mobile app (only while connected through the wifi). Even visitors get the same issue. As soon as you use a different network all works well for laptops and mobiles. It is an internal TPG issue.
In any event, it looks like someone has fixed it at TPG, because it started working all by itself again a couple of hours ago.

@jhofstra . It's possible that was missing from TPG's DNS and that the wifi adapter on both laptops were using that one, while the ethernet adapter was using something else, say Google's DNS.

Use the   ipconfig/all   command to display network info while the laptop is connected by wifi and then by ethernet. See if DNS Servers address is same for both.

Situation does arise occasionally where a hostname goes missing.


Level 2

Glad I found this thread - I'm having the same issue. I think it's still a problem as of 10:33am on Thursday 12th. I can access Yahoo Mail on my mobile if I turn off the wifi and use 5G. My laptop, however, is still going through the wifi and can't connect. The error message is "This site can’t be reached.’s server IP address could not be found." I could turn off the wifi on my (work) laptop and connect via Telstra, but would prefer not to as I shouldn't have to - it would be great if TPG can fix this. I'm going to try to explain all this to someone on Live Chat...not sure if they are aware of it yet?

Level 2

I am having the same problem on my computer and the problem has existed for the last two days. I too am trying to contact support but have waited for 1 hour and still not connected to speak to someone regarding this situation.

Level 2

I am also a TPG consumer and I am also facing the same problem with both Yahoo and Wikipedia. Please let me know if you were able to find a solution.

Level 2

My partner rang the technical line today and reported it. Apparently someone will call back later today with an update. I'm not confident we'll see a resolution soon, because apparently there's a major outage in Adelaide which is taking priority. I'm not even sure if TPG are aware of the Yahoo issue and if they are, what priority it is to resolve. I'll post an update here if there's anything substantive.

Level 2

I have the exact same access prob as everyone else. Unavailable for 36hours now. Can access everything except yahoo and wikipaedia?


Level 2

Okay all - I followed ALL of the steps in the attached Youtube video. Be sure to bookmark it as you will need to reboot a couple of times. Finally after the last step The issue was resolved. I am not sure if you just want to try the last series of steps or do them all, Up to you.


Here is the link (I have no affiliation with the presenter - I just know it worked)