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BizPhone - No service, no tech support

Level 2

After a nightmare to get BizPhone running (terrible support from people overseas, with zero interst in solving connection issues), I now can't talk to tech support.


Have been trying to around 3 months now. More recently, my calls to tech support stays on hold for 60 minutes, when a pre-recorded message says "sorry, there is no one to answer your call, try again later" and the call is terminated.


I called the sales team a few days ago. They answered straight away (sales, of course), but couln't transfer me to tech support. I spoke to 3 different people (including one from AAPT), no one had anything to do with BizPhone tech support, and kept transfering me to a differnet person. After a couple of hours of talking to the wrong people, the last person I spoke to just hanged up.


I'm about to give up. My BizPhone is down, tech support won't pick up the call, no one at TPG seems to know who is responsible for this type of tech support, and I don't know what else can be done besides contacting ACCC and ask Visa to recover the fees I paid, since I got nothing for it.


Ah, for the TPG person who is going to reply to my message, don't bother. You either call me to solve this issue or don't bother with blah-blah-blah like "thanks for contacting us".

Not applicable

Hi @BobMiller,


Thanks for raising this to us, we're sad to know that you're unable to reach our BizPhone support. We'd love to help raise and arrange them to contact you, to better understand the situation please shoot me a private message with your account details (Username/Customer ID) together with the address on file.


How do I private message (PM) in the community





After a nightmare to get BizPhone running (terrible support from people overseas, with zero interst in solving connection issues), I now can't talk to tech support.


Have been trying to around 3 months now. More recently, my calls to tech support stays on hold for 60 minutes, when a pre-recorded message says "sorry, there is no one to answer your call, try again later" and the call is terminated.


I called the sales team a few days ago. They answered straight away (sales, of course), but couln't transfer me to tech support. I spoke to 3 different people (including one from AAPT), no one had anything to do with BizPhone tech support, and kept transfering me to a differnet person. After a couple of hours of talking to the wrong people, the last person I spoke to just hanged up.


I'm about to give up. My BizPhone is down, tech support won't pick up the call, no one at TPG seems to know who is responsible for this type of tech support, and I don't know what else can be done besides contacting ACCC and ask Visa to recover the fees I paid, since I got nothing for it.


Ah, for the TPG person who is going to reply to my message, don't bother. You either call me to solve this issue or don't bother with blah-blah-blah like "thanks for contacting us".