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Caller ID Not Working

Level 3

I have had TPG ADSL2+ for ages. We have 2 phone lines coming into our premises thru a Xen Aplha phone system using NEC DTU-16D Digital Phone handsets. We have a total of 6 handsets.


Caller ID has been working on the handsets for both phone lines.


I have just updated from ADSL2+ to NBN. Now the phone line that runs on the NBN will not display caller ID on incoming calls.


The only thing that has changes is the TPG modem. All the phone system remains the same.


Can you please tell me why the Caller ID will not work on the update to NBN

Not applicable

Hi @pelli69 ,


Thanks for raising this to us. The caller ID feature for both TPG ADSL and NBN doesn't require activation. However it is possible that it could be caused by compatibility of our supplied modem/router and the handset.

Please see this exisiting thread below.

CALLER ID not display on phone 




@pelli69 wrote:

I have had TPG ADSL2+ for ages. We have 2 phone lines coming into our premises thru a Xen Aplha phone system using NEC DTU-16D Digital Phone handsets. We have a total of 6 handsets.


Caller ID has been working on the handsets for both phone lines.


I have just updated from ADSL2+ to NBN. Now the phone line that runs on the NBN will not display caller ID on incoming calls.


The only thing that has changes is the TPG modem. All the phone system remains the same.


Can you please tell me why the Caller ID will not work on the update to NBN