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Faulty home phone

Level 2

Who do I email/call to get my home phone fixed after 13 months of faults?   Help Desk and Customer Relations do nothing but report it and no-one can actually find out why it's faulty.   I've got a brain tumour and have strokes and I can't call an ambulance when I need one.   merrilynw


Hi @merrilynw ,


Welcome to the community!


We're sad to know that you're having issues with the home phone, we're able to locate the account using your community details and we've seen that this issue is now being handled by our Customer Relations Team and currently under assessment.


We will chase this with them, expect an updates from one of our Complaints Resolution Case Manager when update becomes available. We apologise for any inconvenience.





Level 2

My phone has been faulty FOR FOURTEEN WHOLE MONTHS (often can't call out due to dead silence, funny noises or silence after I have correctly dialled, and people calling in get dead silence, awful noises, stupid messages about my number is no longer in service (I've had it for 45 years!!!!) or that they can't call my number from their service (well they've been calling me successfully for years!!!!), or they are trying and my phone is not ringing.   I am on my fourth TPG modem and have tried six different phones and the local tech has come at least six times and admits he can't work out why my internet is fine but the phone line is soooo faulty.   I have health problems and had to crawl out on to the road last months to get help from my neighbours because my ** phone would not work.  Mobile with another company but I live in a black spot area for reception, so that's no good either.   TPG forgot to turn off my ADSL  for the first 6 months, but the problems started Day One of NBN being connected.   I complain several times a day to TPG with details of the faults but NOTHING HAPPENS !   All I get is platitudes, but no working phone line.   What the hell do I need to do????   TPG refuse to get the NBN equipment tested, which I believe must be the problem.   I can't get further than a Case Manager at Customer Relations, and I am on to my third Case Manager but STILL NO HOME PHONE FIX !!!!!    Anybody else got some ideas to get this problem fixed?



Hi @merrilynw ,


We're sad to know that the issue with the home phone is not yet fixed. This issue is still under assessment by our both Engineering Team and Complaints Resolution Team. I've seen that the assigned Complaints Case Manager sent you an email yesterday advised a different Field Technician has been assigned to this case. 


One of our Engineers also tried to contact you yesterday, but no avail. Please confirm your best time and we'll have them contact you again or you may reply to the SMS or Email they sent.

We'll raise this to both of our Teams for additional reference on this ongoing investigation We apologize for any inconvenience.

Level 2

Let them ring me on my home line.   If I am beside the phone I will answer.

If I am at the other end of the house then the phone will switch to one of those stupid messages (which they don't believe all my callers get) before I can get there.    

It is so annoying that since NBN I am told I cannot have the two extensions I enjoyed for 44 years, which made it easy to answer the phone.

So they will have to keep ringing my home phone until I can get to the phone before it rings out, even if they have to call several times.

If I am not home I am at the GP or hospital or being driven there or back, so I unable to answer at these times.

They have just told me they are unable to stop these stupid automatic messages, which no other TPG customer I know of has to put up with.

How do I get hold of the CEO ????????
