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Landline phone is out again today

Level 3

My landline phone is out again today. Don't tell me to reset the router because I've already done that, and it's still not working!


And I had to shut down the WiFi again, because the default is on at full power.



Not applicable

Hi @mikeswebservice ,


Thanks for raising this top us, I am sad to know that you're having issues with the home phone again, please confirm your best contact number and preferred time tomorrow. We'll have one of our Technicians contact you for real-time test and investigation. 


How do I private message (PM) in the community 




@mikeswebservice wrote:

My landline phone is out again today. Don't tell me to reset the router because I've already done that, and it's still not working!


And I had to shut down the WiFi again, because the default is on at full power.




Level 3

My best contact number is my landline, and it's not working again today!!!!!!!

Not applicable

Hi @mikeswebservice, we have checked the status of your connection and we cannot see any issue with the line or network that may affect your VoIP service. Are you able to check it now?

Level 3

It's working now, but it was not working when I sent the last message.


That's 2 days in a row not working.


Why don't you remame it the Russian Roulette VOIP Plan?


Or the Lotto VOIP Plan?


It's appalling that the service is so unreliable. 



Not applicable

We sincerely apologise for what happened. We'd like to monitor this and if the issue persists, we will investigate further.