Locked modem

Level 2
Hi, I basically want to ask how this is so that tpg don't lock modems as we have been told our tpg purchased huawei HG659 modem is locked and have done so in the past, we now have 4 modems? How do we unlock? I see this on so many sale pages that people are selling for this reason? It's such a shame if this is true that in 2021 ISP providers still have a system like this to make a few more re $$ and just create more landfill.

Hi @Mattym


We do not provide a locked modem/router to our customers.


If you are going to use your old TPG modem/router, then you just need to configure it depending on the type of connection you have with your current ISP.




Hi @Mattym . While the TPG routers are not locked to TPG, some functions aren't available.

The special firmware from TPG means the VOIP phone function is not available. You might not be able to get firmware updates from Huawei.