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Phone connection to router not working

Level 2
The green light on router for phone line shows that it doesn't recognise the phone line plugged in...hence the phone is not working. I've unplugged, tried phone line 2 and have reset the phone too...can something be done on your end?😊

Hi @reynaldog 


Welcome to the Community!


We were able to locate your account using your community details and it shows that your Phone status is active. Are you using the modem/router that we've provided? If yes, have you tried to use another handset or phone cable?

If you don't have another handset available, you may try to factory reset the modem/router. Please be advised that performing this, all of the settings that you've personalised will go back to default.


The modem/router will connect to the internet after a few minutes, but you may manually configure it.

Let us know how it goes.


Level 2
I've changed handsets, reset the router and tried different cables but the green light for Phone line 1 or 2 still doesn't light up when a cable is connected.
Please advise on any other ways in which to get this working...!any help would be greatly appreciated!
Not applicable

Hi @reynaldog, we'd like to arrange one of our senior technical specialists to contact you for further assistance. Please PM us your best contact number and most convenient time to receive a call.


To send a PM, please refer to this link: How do I private message (PM) in the community