Level 2

We have a landline connected to TPG NBN FTTC. We USED to be Telstra customers for this communication requirement.


SINCE we have been on the NBN the amount of SPAM/SCAM calls coming thru on our landline, from overseas, in particular is just ridiculous. Some days I would call it FEROCIOUS.


Have the +66 or +64 Intl dialing codes. We KNOW NO-ONE in those areas. Matter of a fact we know only TWO people overseas who would CALL us, one's in Thailand and ONLY uses Viber to call us, and the other is in Nigeria and he ONLY uses Messenger to call us.


The volume of these calls is steadiily, and rapidly, increasing.

Can ANYTHING be done or do I simply have to suck it up, or instead, just CANCEL my landline altogether.


WE ARE on the No-Call Register - fat lot of good that does.


It's actually intrusive nowdays.


Hi @Roddy19


Thanks for raising this with us.


If you've already registered to and still getting the calls, then you might need to change your number.


Your number might have been retrieved to the websites where you've registered along with it or other marketing websites.


You may also check this site on how to protect yourself from scam/hack:



Level 2

To any Moderator:

I also have TPG FTTC NBN with phone and am also plagued with SPAM calls frrom both Australia and overseas.  They come at most inconvenient times - all day and night up to about 10pm.


I have a TP-Link VR1600v router and managed to download a user manual which shows a section on phone / VoIP, but my router doesn't have access to that section.  I assume that TPG have disabled that section for some unknown / unexplained reason.  The part of that section that I'm VERY interested in is the ability to block incoming calls by number.


Is there any possibility that TPG could enable the section on phones in my router, allow me to have the super user password ???


Hope you are able to help.



Darrell Hegarty

Not applicable

Hi Darrell,

For any spam calls we recommend to perform the steps provided by my colleague above.

We provide the modem for all our NBN plans as they are sold as an Internet & Home Phone Bundle. TPG loads it's custom firmware on our NBN modem/router so that it can match with the system we use to provide you with TPG NBN internet and homephone and some features may not be available. This is also done for added security and privacy of the connection.




To any Moderator:

I also have TPG FTTC NBN with phone and am also plagued with SPAM calls frrom both Australia and overseas.  They come at most inconvenient times - all day and night up to about 10pm.


I have a TP-Link VR1600v router and managed to download a user manual which shows a section on phone / VoIP, but my router doesn't have access to that section.  I assume that TPG have disabled that section for some unknown / unexplained reason.  The part of that section that I'm VERY interested in is the ability to block incoming calls by number.


Is there any possibility that TPG could enable the section on phones in my router, allow me to have the super user password ???


Hope you are able to help.



Darrell Hegarty

Level 2

As I expected, the "answer" you posted was totally unsatisfactory.

I once had the hack to the su password and that gave me exactly what I want.

TPG has now hacked the firmware once again to prevent the su password being made visible.

Bast**ds !!!