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Unanswered call for help

Level 2

I had asked for help regarding my phone line being down and intermittant ADSL connection by email on Friday at 1330 after failing to get through after waiting 20+mins on the phone several times. That email was answered by tpg by tpg 2hrs later with an email saying a technician would call back within 24hrs (Callback ticket ID: 58957006). Needless to say that has still not happened now 48hrs later! In the interim I have tried emailing the contactat using that callback ID as instructed to no avail. I have tried ringing several times to be told the wait is up to 6Omins. Oh and by the way I have received several sms messages inviting me to look on this community for the answer to my question. Well I didn't have a question so much but I wanted to report that my phone line wasn't working as I pay tpg for that. I do have several questions now though. Where is my promised call back? How can I report a faulty line? Why are my emails ignored? Lastly why am I as a customer of greatre than 10 yrs being treated so badly?

Level 2

Is there any point posting on this forum? Ican't get help by phone, email or this forum. From all the other forum questions it seems like I am not alone. Is there actually anyone from tpg reading these comments?


Hi @eganmk


Welcome to TPG Community!


We were able to locate your account using your community details and detected an issue within the copper line after running some tests.


We've escalated the case to our Engineering team for further investigation and an assigned Engineer will be in touch with you via SMS or phone call once an update becomes available.

