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landline cancelled when migrated to hwbb

Level 2
Level 2

Hi all


i was on an old ADSL plan and migrated to HWBB with a request to keep my landline number. Was told that there will be a virtual phone option that i agreed to. Upon being migrated to HWBB, it seams that my landline number was cancelled. Called in a few times to have the landline reinstated, but am being told that this cannot be done as the number has been cancelled. Then im told that i now need to move to NBN, with no clear explanation if ill get my original landline number back.

This has now been going for nearly 2 weeks and is very frustrating..


looking for some suggestions and options to have my landline reinstated. Alternatively, ill take this to the Telco ombudsman as this is very poor service, especially as the number has been cancelled without my knowledge.





Hi @btj


We'd like to have a better understanding of the situation and see what we can do with your case.

Shoot me a PM with your TPG username or customer ID number.

