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Archer AX50 FTTC compatibility and 3rd party router setup

Level 2

Hey, I plan on upgrading from the Archer VR1600v to the Archer AX50 for the FTTC connection in my unit. I checked this website ( and it says that it is FTTC compatibile, but the website also sates that my older Archer VR400 is compatible, and I was unable to set the router up with the NCD. I ended up giving up and just using the router that TPG supplied me with. I guess my questions are:


Is the AX50 FTTC compatible, and how would I go about setting it up?


What was I doing wrong when trying to use a different router to the one that TPG supplied me with? How does this process differ from just using the pre-supplied router?

How do I identify FTTC compatible routers?


Level 2

Hi there,


Just successfully set up the Archer AX50 (tp-link AX3000) on an NBN FTTC connection with TPG.


I spoke to the help desks of TPG and then TP-Link (the AX50 manufacturer).


The main issue is the Network > Internet connection needs to be PPPoE and have your correct account username and password. Then your IPtV settings need to be updated as well.


I have attached two screen shots to illustrate how it worked for me.




Level 2



I am having the same issue as in this tread. Tried the solution above but still the internet is not getting connected. TP Link Archer AX50 and got the TPG NBN registered today. Searched all the solution why its not working. Can't get it to work. Called the TPG technical support and they tried the connectivity straight to computer by passing the router, the connection comes for a split second and then drops. Reachig out to TPG community for any solution. Screen shots attached for the router setting. 


Thank you


Not applicable

Hi @sabeysinghe,


On the screen 2 image you posted what other options do you have on ISP profile?


You also need to enable the VLAN settings on your equipment. The VLAN ID should be set to "2" and you need to make sure that you configure it with your TPG username and password.

On the screen 2 remove the domain '' just enter your TPG username.


Let us know how it will go.






I am having the same issue as in this tread. Tried the solution above but still the internet is not getting connected. TP Link Archer AX50 and got the TPG NBN registered today. Searched all the solution why its not working. Can't get it to work. Called the TPG technical support and they tried the connectivity straight to computer by passing the router, the connection comes for a split second and then drops. Reachig out to TPG community for any solution. Screen shots attached for the router setting. 


Thank you


Level 2
Thanks, I have walked through it with TPG support. Selected PPPOE , turned off IPTV,etc. Put in TPG username and password. Old router works, so I know connection is ok, stil no joy.

Hi @sb171294


We'd like to have a better understanding of the situation and see what we can do to resolve this.


Shoot me a PM with your TPG account details.

