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Archer VR1600v daily restart

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Hi All,


Hopefully this is an easy one.


My vr1600v restarts every day at 2pm or 3pm depending on day light saving time or not.


How do I change it to am instead?







Accepted Solutions
Level 3
Level 3

@david64 what an error on my part.


It didn't reset at all when it was unplugged from the NBN box and disabled wifi so nothing was plugged in.


I did find the the issue today. I have a Tenda Nova mesh setup and when I checked the settings, it has a 0200 maintenance. I think that is the issue its running it at the wrong 2 o'clock.


Thanks for your help.

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Hi @MY1 . In router admin, go to Advanced, System Tools, Reboot.

With Auto Reboot enabled, set the reboot time.

Mine has 3 days, 7 days, 30 days, not every day. (Build 220518)

Router time and daylight saving start/stop has to be set.

Level 3
Level 3
Hi @david64

I had already checked my router reboot and it's disabled. I figured it's either coded in the firmware or somewhere else unless when you enable auto reboot it would override the default settings? I might try that.



@MY1 . If Auto reboot is disabled, it should not reboot.

How long has it been doing this?
What is the Build number of the VR1600 firmware? (On bottom of screen when you login.)

Is Remote Management disabled?

If you set auto reboot to 3 days and it still does it every day, it might be faulty.

Level 3
Level 3



It's been like this for years, I just put it down to a daily cache flush.


I have the same build 220518.


I don't have remote management on.


@MY1 . Can you try this.

Login to Advanced, System Tools, Time Settings and set both NTP addresses to and Save.

Reboot router, login and set time to 30 minutes ahead. If router continues to reboot at 2 pm/3pm., something external is doing it.

If the time changes, it is something in the router.


If it happens reliably at that time, you could disconnect the router from the NBN network and see what happens as the restart time goes by.

Level 3
Level 3

Hi @david64,


I changed it a few days ago as per your instructions and finally had a chance to monitor it today and at 2pm the router reset.


I logged in after it and the time was synced up again.


I'll try unplugging it at just before 2pm and report back again.





Level 3
Level 3

Hi @david64 


I unplugged the router from the NBN box and it reset I waited between 1355 to 1408 monitoring the router. I also noticed that the NBN box didn't reset either, so its not a NBN box reset.






@MY1 . Just to be clear. Did the router reset or not between 1355 and 1408?  I can't tell from your words what happened. If it didn't reset when disconnected from NBN box, then it is something in the external network causing it.


I had thought that TPG or a malicious 3rd party might have been doing it at 2pm. Disconnecting from NBN box negates that possibility.

With the latest reset, was the time set correctly or had you changed it?

Only other source is one of your own devices is doing something at 2pm, or 3rd party has got in through your wifi. You would need to remove any ethernet cables and disable both wifi bands around 2pm.

Last resort is factory reset. Check settings in ewan_pppoe interface first.

Level 3
Level 3

@david64 what an error on my part.


It didn't reset at all when it was unplugged from the NBN box and disabled wifi so nothing was plugged in.


I did find the the issue today. I have a Tenda Nova mesh setup and when I checked the settings, it has a 0200 maintenance. I think that is the issue its running it at the wrong 2 o'clock.


Thanks for your help.