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Archer VR1600v v2 loses internet connection on upload

Level 3


The Archer VR1600v v2 modem loses internet connection everytime I upload files (100+MB) to Google drive. This happens on daily basis. The only way to fix it is to reboot the modem.

I've already set it to auto reboot every 3 days but it doesn't help.

It seems to be a known issue. Is there a fix for this?



Hi @mheng . In the router admin, is Bandwidth Control enabled?

If so, is there a value in Upstream Bandwidth?

What is your plan? (NBN50? NBN100?)

Level 3

Hi @david64,


Currently it's disabled.

It was enabled with Upstream Bandwidth = 4900. Downstream Bandwidth is empty.


I disabled Bandwidth Control a couple of months ago to test if it makes any difference.

Doesn't seem to make any difference whether it's enabled or disabled. But the issue seems to be very persistent now.


I also have same connectivity issue when downloading large files (4+GB), but it's not as frequent.

When this happens, intermittently I'll lose WiFi signal.


I'm on NBN25.


Any suggestions?




@mheng . After I changed to NBN25, I saw that the TPG speed test would stall on the upload and never complete. Windows was still sending data but the progress graph stopped moving. I enabled bandwidth control and set upstream to 4900K. The upload test now completes and the upload speed is the same as when the control was disabled.

Regarding downloading large files, keep your phone handy to check the wifi signal strength to see if it decreases. There could be wifi interference.

Level 3

@david64. I retried again, with Bandwidth Control enabled and disabled. Both Google speed test and completed without issues.

I have the WiFi router 1 meter away when I was testing the download issue (on ethernet). The phone WiFi signal is full strength. But as soon as the internet connection drops, the phone will not be able to detect the router at all. Only way to fix it is to reboot.




@mheng . Maybe try a factory reset and do initial setup again.

Check firmware build number. Build 200810 or 210413 is the latest.

Router might be faulty.

Level 3

@david64Yea I've done factory reset and setup before, but didn't fix the problem.

Mine is build number 200810.

Was hoping wouldn't be faulty router.

Thanks for your time.