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Configuring TPG Modem as a bridge

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Level 2



I have 2 TPG Routers Archer VR1600. The first one is connected to NBN NCD (FTTC) and I would like to configure the other Router to be a Wifi extender.


Can you please provide me the instructions for both routers to achieve this.


Thanks and regards,



Accepted Solutions

A user asked about this in Feb 2019. Reply was:

Currently, the WDS function is not yet supported on the TPG supplied modem. Once a firmware update is available to support it, we will provide an update in the community.


Maybe, it is only on the latest models and there's no retrofit possible, or it's not for Australia.

You will have to look for some other model or brand that supports it.


View solution in original post


For connecting routers by cable:

There's a good article to read on Search for "connect one router to another".
It's a bit blow by blow and you can skip part 1.
In part 2 (second router), things to note:
disable dhcp;
assign a new ip address on same subnet as main router, and same subnet mask;
make sure the default gateway is the address of the main router .

On the main router, reserve the ip address that you chose for the second router so that it doesn't try to allocate that address.
Connect the routers lan port 1 to lan port 1 (although it doesn't matter which lan ports are used).

Both routers have the same SSID so your wifi device will use whichever signal is stronger as you move around the house. Device won't heve to reconnect all the time.


This router can also use Wireless Distribution System (WDS) to bridge between routers. It is decsribed in the router's user manual which can be downloaded from the internet if you don't have one.

Level 2

Thanks David for your prompt reply! However, I'm looking for a Wireless method in specific steps for each router (Primary & Secondary) if possible for TPG routers. As I read lots of posts on the community, whilst, none of those helped me to configure them correctly. 


So if there is a post contains configuration in steps and in details, this would be quite helpful.


Thanks and kind regards,




The VR1600 manual contains steps for WDS bridging. The description shows the screens you go through.

Level 2

TPG Archer VR1600v routers doesn't support WDS feature as outlined in the manuals. I tried to use WPS feature in both routers, yet it didn't work neither. 


So I'm wondering if there is an alternative way other than those in order to connect the routers to each other.




A user asked about this in Feb 2019. Reply was:

Currently, the WDS function is not yet supported on the TPG supplied modem. Once a firmware update is available to support it, we will provide an update in the community.


Maybe, it is only on the latest models and there's no retrofit possible, or it's not for Australia.

You will have to look for some other model or brand that supports it.


Level 2

This is exactly what I read in one of the posts. And I though if there was another solution for it, but it seems there isn't yet at the moment!!


Again thanks David for your tremendous continuous support, much appreciated! 




You might check up on WPS function on the routers; it is a wireless connection method but I don't know that it is for router-router communication. It is a simple method of connecting a wifi device without having to enter the passphrase. Might require research.

This user was trying it.

Also this: Enable WPS on TP-Link VR1600v