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Connecting Deco XE75 to FTTC failing

Level 2

Hi all, this seems like a basic question but I have had no joy from contacting TPG and I am tearing my hair out.


I have recently purchased the Deco XE75 mesh system, but setup fails every time.  I get through all until it tries to connect to the internet and it tells me it won't.  When I called TPG support, they said the system wasn't "compatible with my service" and sent me a link to devices that are.  The TP-Link Deco is listed in that link!  (Although not specifically the XE75.)


Support also said it's because the Deco doesn't have a dedicated WAN port on the device however, the TPG customer support page for the device (see link below) tells me to plug into the ethernet port 1 then the Gateway port on the NBN box, which is what I am doing.


The only difference between the instructions in the above support page and what I am doing is that the installation fails before I can go into the "advanced" step (although I think the app is a newer version now as the screen shots look a bit different).


Can anybody please explain to me like I'm an idiot why my Deco XE75 is "incompatible with my service"?


Thank you,



Hi @Lafrank67 . The settings are PPPoE, TPG username and password.

Because it uses an app, there's not a good user manual.

Other settings: main unit must be in Wireless router mode;

specify which ethernet port is the WAN port connected to FTTC box;

if you have Bundled NBN/VOIP plan (even if you don't use phone), you have to set VLAN ID=2. But you'll need to look through the menus to find it.It might be in IPTV section. Also set Priority to 0.

If you have Data Only plan, VLAN ID not used.

TP-Link support might help.

Level 2

Hi @david64 ,


Firstly thank you for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate it Smiley Happy


When you say ...

Other settings: main unit must be in Wireless router mode;

specify which ethernet port is the WAN port connected to FTTC box;


I'm not clear on what the "main unit" is.  Also, how do I specify which ethernet port the WAN connection port is?


I do have a NBN/VOIP plan and I hadn't taken that into consideration so thank you for bringing that to my attention.  I have been in contact with TPG support twice and all they said was that the Deco wasn't compatible with my service, yet they show connection instructions on their support page.  Maybe that's what they meant?


I did find a support video where TP-Link recommended changing the address in the settings so I will try your solution first and then see how that one works.

If anybody else has had the same issue, please feel free to weigh in.


Thanks again @david64 , 




@Lafrank67 . Your Deco comes with 1 or 2 or 3 units. Each can funcfion as main unit or satellite unit. Choose one as main unit. Do Reset. Turn it off. Connect to FTTC box and turn Deco on.

When Deco LED pulses blue, your phone can connect to Deco wifi. Follow the steps in the app.

The FTTC box should have all 4 lights on.

You shouldn't need to change address. There's no web interface so no address to put in the browser. The app knows how to connect.