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HG659 "root" account password

Level 3


Could you please tell me HG659 "root" account password?

"admin" account does not appear  "telecom" tab in the main window.

I need a view of the "call log" section in "telecom" tab.


Or can I check "call log" section without "root" login?


Thank you for your help.



Not applicable

Hi @sonic,


Welcome to the community!


TPG had tailored the Huawei HG659 firmware to fit TPG's specifications for numerous reasons. Some of that reason involves quality of service and especially the security of VoIP, as this gives us a better opportunity to keep our customer's account and other credential safe and secured.

With this being said, we would like to extend our sincere apologies as we cannot provide that root password due to legal reasons.


Tell me should you require further assistance.



Level 4

Commercial reasons you mean. Be terrible to allow people choice of voip provider ... terrible for your bank balance that is...