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Huawei HG 659 Modem Uprgrade

Level 2

My Huawei HG659 modem has become quite unreliable as far as WiFi Access throughout the household.  Every week it requiures to be frequently  rebooted to reenable Wi Fi Access throughout the house.  All settings are set up as per TPG instructions.  The modem is a few years old now ever since we went to TPG NBN  and I would really appreciate the old Modem to be ugraded with a newer unit with better range Wi Fi as we have a very large house and it really struggles in some of the further rooms of the house.


My current Modem System information is as follwos


Product Type            Huawei HG659

Device ID                    00E0FC-J3N8W16C09003539

Hardware Version    VER B

Software Version       V100R001C216B111             



Not applicable

Hi @garysam4,


Welcome to the community!


We requested a firmware upgrade for the modem/router. We'll provide an update on this thread when it becomes available.



Not applicable

Hi @garysam4, the modem firmware has been upgraded. Let us know if we can be of further assistance. Thank you.