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Minecraft connection error. Switch to Ipad

Level 2
My kids are trying to play Minecraft together, one on an iPad and one on a Nintendo Switch. They have added each other as friends, can see each other online, but continually just get the error message 'Unable to Connect to World' after they have invited the other..
I have read several troubleshooting sites and resources suggesting things I do to the router etc, but have had no success..

Any ideas on the frustrating issue?

Hi @Mikkyb83 . What model eouter do you have?

Can you check in Wireless settings that AP isolation is disabled.

Is there a need that both devices are on same wifi band? Or does it not matter?


Level 2
My router is an Archer C1200..
AP is enabled. I have tried both devices on the 2.4 a 5g bands.

@Mikkyb83 . Some routers have a specific setting called "AP Isolation". When enabled, it stops wifi devices communicating with each other. This may or may not be a requirement for Minecraft. The C1200 user guide doesn't mention this setting so it may not exist on this model.

If it does exist, it should be disabled or not ticked.

Have you had Minecraft working before? Or are you trying to get Minecraft to work on these new devices?

Are these devices connected to a Minecraft server in the internet?

What things have you tried from these troubleshooting sites?

Level 2
By memory it has worked before a while ago. Uncertain what has changed since.

They seem to be able to connect to other servers online, just not able to connect to each others games.
Other things I have changed on the switch include manually setting the up settings etc.

@Mikkyb83 . My understanding is that game clients (ipad and nintendo) connect to game server (either local or remote). If you have a local server, it needs a reserved local ip address.


Level 2
Do you have any resources to help me set one up?

@Mikkyb83 . Seems like you can play it just locally.


Do you have a wifi computer (laptop)? Check that you can ping each of the ipad and nintendo. The connection info on each device should show the ip address.