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Modem with more LAN ports

Level 2



Does anyone know if TPG have a modem with more than 4 LAN ports?

Or if they suggest a replacement modem that can be used that has more than 4?


I've read and heards the countless regarding TPG with the whole if something goes wrong when not using their supplied modem.... I get it.. I am just trying to find out if they have something available or recommend something...

This is what i'm trying to do before ditching their service all together and going elsewhere.


Any help and/or info would be appreciated.


Hi @SeanH . The 2 TPG models only have 4 ports. Most domestic routers have 4; there are models with more. You could buy a small gigabit ethernet switch would get you more ports. TPG VOIP service only works with the supplied router.

Level 2

Hi @david64 

Would i lose speed using a gigabit ethernet switch?

with a switch would LAN cables be active or being a "switch"do i have to flip a switch to take from one to give to the other?


@SeanH . On a 8 port switch, the 7 device ports have to share the bandwidth of the 8th port to the router. It's unlikely you would have 7 devices transferring 1Gbps both ways all the time. All the ports are active all the time. The switching is done at high speed by the hardware and firmware.