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NBN HFC with TP-Link Deco BE65 Problem

Level 2
Hi. I have a TPG NBN HFC service and wanting to replace router with Deco BE65.
Router was TP-Link Archer 1600v with PPPoE connection VLAN Id 2. This works with the NBN box. I have replaced this with a TP-Link Deco X20, PPPoE VLAN Id 2 etc … this works without any problems.
I can switch back and forth quite happily between 1600v & X20 as router… PPPoE login etc no problem
BUT want to replace TP-Link Deco x20 with TP-Link Deco BE65 and cannot get connection to PPPoE using the BE65???


Hi @peterpayne . Just to be clear, are you connecting the BE65 directly to NBN box, or using the BE65 as secondary router connected to one of the other routers?

With BE65 connected to NBN box, have you done the IPTV/VLAN setup?

Does the BE65 have an option for IPv4 or IPv6? Only IPv4 is used with TPG.


Level 2
I am wanting to use the BE65 direct to the NBN modem , the same way I have the X20 set up and the same way that the original 1600 was set up
Yes I have done the VLAN setup and using iP4 not 6

@peterpayne . What is the colour of the BE65 indicator light?

Since the X20 works with its settings, you should ask TP-Link how to get the BE65 working with the same settings. Don't bother mentioning the VR1600 because they will disown it because it has modified firmware.

Level 2
Thanks David, the BE65 is hard red when trying to connect to PPoE. I can get it working in AP mode but not as Router connected to NBN Modem directly. I have spent 3 days with TP-Link support but no joy so far… they suggested asking TPG for newer version on NBN modem as mine quite old (5+ years) but TPG say NBN will not upgrade NBN modems… I was hoping someone on the forum might have managed to connect BE65 to NBN modem.

@peterpayne . Hard red means Deco has an issue, whatever that means. Is there an internal fault or inconsistent settings? Have you tried factory reset?

What sorts of things did TP-Link say?

Turn NBN box and BE65 off, connect them, then turn both on.