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Hi @NikitaMaree14 . The ethernet cable from the NBN box goes to the Internet port on the Orbi.
The internet config settings are PPPoE, your username with on the end and your account password. You know about the VLAN ID but in the manual there are two ways of setting it for different purposes which I am unsure on.
What is the colour of the Router LED on the front?
There are 2 more settings which may be default anyhow.
•GetDynamicIPAddressFromRouter.YourISPusesDHCPtoassignyourIP address.YourISPautomaticallyassignstheseaddresses.
• SelectaDomainNameServer(DNS)radiobutton:
•GetAutomaticallyfromISP.YourISPusesDHCPtoassignyourDNSservers. YourISPautomaticallyassignsthisaddress.
@NikitaMaree14 . There is still the vlan id setting. Although if you were able to set a value 2, it must be the right section.
Compare the MTU setting between the huawei and orbi.
Is there anything on the orbi system log?