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No internet connection

Level 2


There's no internet connection for several days.  I have tried to reset the modem and check the cable but it doesn't work. The Internet light on my modem is off. Please help this out.

Not applicable

Hi @qianzhou18,


Welcome to the community!


We apologise that you're having no connection for a several days now. We are able to locate your account using your community details. We performed initial test on your service and test result shows a possible line fault causing service not to work.

We have this escalated to our Engineering Team for further test and investigation. Assessment may take 24hrs and updates will be provided via SMS or Phone call. Let us know should you require further assistance.



Level 2


There is still no internet connection in my home. I didn't receive any assessment or updates via SMS or Phone call because the mobile phone number I leaved in my TPG account is expired. So i updated my number in my TPG account. Plz do not hesitate to contact me if there is any problem or update. I do need my internet connection asap. Thank you.



Not applicable

Hi @qianzhou18,

Based on the latest log on the escalated fault handled by our Engineering Team, one of our Engineers tried to call you yesterday but no avail.

We have identified that the issue is with the network controlled by the NBN co. This unfortunately means only NBN co. technicians have the authority to fix this fault.

The Earliest appointment for nbn technician visit is Friday, 29 March 2019, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Your attendance is needed.  Let us know if you will be available tomorrow and we'll have this booked.

Level 2

Hi Shane,

I will be available tomorrow, and I will wait for the technician at home. Thank you.



Not applicable

Hi @qianzhou18


We have this passed to our Engineering Team. Expect an SMS from them confirming the appointment for tomorrow.

Let us know should you require further assistance.

Level 2

Hi Shane,
The technician fixed the Internet successfully this morning. Unfortunately, the technician said that the modem in my home is broken. I have been with TPG for a long time and my modem seems to be having issues due to how old the model is. Is there any way to upgrade or get a new modem with little to no cost? I appreciate your reply. Thank you.




Hi @qianzhou18,


Thanks for the update.


We've reviewed the report from the NBN technician and we were advised that the fault was in the joint. There was a Failure (physical) or wear and tear and was resolved by changing it.


There was no report about the issue within your TPG NBN modem, but will chase this with our Engineering team and have someone to contact you within the day to discuss this further.


Kind regards,


Level 2

Hi @Anonymous ,

The Huawei HG 659 modem is working after we change the power cable. However, the "Internet" indicator is off. I logined the modern setup interface, entered the TPG username and password, but the setup page was stuck and a red line showed up. I tried factory reset for the modern, reset the password of my account, and tried again. The problem remains the same. Plz arrange a technician to fix it as soon as possible. Thank you.



Hi @qianzhou18,


Our Engineering team tried to contact you multiple times, but you were unreachable for them to check your service further.


Please shoot me a private message with your preferred time and best number to be contacted and I'll arrange the call for your convenience.


How to send a PM? Click here.


Kind regards,
