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Nokia fastmile 5g wifi beacon

Level 2

Hi all,


I just switched over to the Nokia Fastmile 5G router, which is working well for me. I need more range though. I have Eero devices already but they dont play nicely with my Sonos. 

Which wifi beacons/mesh devices would work best with the TPG Nokia 5g router? 

Thanks, Jamie


Hi @jamierc . Are the Eero devices giving good coverage from the Nokia?

What problem is there between Eero and Sonos?


Level 2

Thanks. The Eero coverage is good enough. They've never played nicely with my Sonos devices, which work for a few hours but then disappear from the Sonos app when using Eero, and have to be re-added. Work fine when just using the main router. 


@jamierc . Is the Nokia configured with different SSID names for 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands?

The Eero should extend the two SSIDs. 

The channel used by each should be different. 

E.g. Nokia 2.4 SSID can be channel 1. Eero 2.4 SSID can be channel 6. Reduces interference on this SSID.

How far is Sonos from the Eero unit?

Level 2
I’ve only tried with client steering on so far, I can try separate 2.4 and 5 networks though. Distance is minimal