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Setup TP-Link VR1600v as a modem only

Level 2

I have recently switched over to NBN and provided with a TP-Link VR1600v moden/router with VoIP.


I find the router features of this product inadequate for my needs and I need to use my previous router (Netgear Nighthawk AX1800 RAX20) as my primary router.


I need to continue to use the TP-Link VR1600v moden/router with VoIP as we are using the VoIP functionality.


To have my configuration work successfully, I need to have my Netgear Router set as my primary router, and my TP-Link VR1600v moden/router with VoIP set as a modem only (disabling the router function).


I have explained this numerous times to the technical support at TPG and most of the people I have spoken dont understand my requirements as it deviates away from their script. 


One person who seem to have understood the problem half resolved my problem.  The outcome of their advice resulted in my having the TP-Link VR1600v moden/router follow the regular installation and disable the Wifi, connect my Netgear router in the LAN port, and enable the Wifi on the Netgear.  This sort of worked at best.  I had two routers fighting for control and causing performance issues and drop outs.


When the Netgear router was in control, its remote access functionality wouldnt work as it was not the first router in line from the modem and the device was not discoverable.


When the TP Link moden/router with VoIP was in control, the Netgear Nighthawk App could discover devices on the network, but the security features (firewall, parental controls and antivirus) did not function.


The common response I get from TPG Support is its a configuration issue with the Netgear router, because TPG can detect the TP-Link VR1600v moden/router is receiving a signal.  From experience with this issue, I can say the problem is not the Netgear router configuration, its the TP-Link VR1600v moden/router configuration with it being set as the primary router, and attempting to take control of the Netgear router.


Is there anyone here who knows how to disable router function of the TP-Link VR1600v moden/router, so it just operates as a modem and becomes just another network device on a network with another brand of router?


Thanks in advance.


Level 2

@sajalm thanks for your quick reply to my question. 


The link you have sent me indicates what I want to do is not possible.


If I set my Netgear router as a primary router, I will lose VoIP functionality with TPG.


If I set my TP-Link router as a primary router, I will lose the security functionality of the Netgear router (which is what I need).


To me either way it is a lose lose situation and its very frustrating.