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Vr1600v modem responding to pings.

Level 2

Hi, my vr1600v is responding to pings from the net. How can l stop this please. 


Hi Tradert. Have you looked at Advanced > Security > Firewall & DoS Protection. This is normally enabled. There are levels of detection.  There doesn't look to be anything as specific as you want, to ignore an isolated ping.

Level 2

Hi David. Thanks for you advice. Yes I did have a look at that and played with it but it did not make any difference as the lowest level you can set is set is 5. The problem I am having is that if I ping my wan ip address from another network the TPG modem respons to that ping, which is a security problem.


Hi Tradert. If you are not using TPGs VOIP service, you could look around for a router that can block pings altogether. It needs to support vlan tagging (setting VLAN ID=2) if you are not on FTTP.

Level 2

Thanks again for your advice David. I have considered  that option as well, l am using voip on the modem but if l can’t find any other solution, l might need to moved the voip to something else and try another modem.