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White modem is demaged

Level 2

Hello,I have no access to internet for 2 weeks. I reported the problem last week, today 1 technician came,he replaced the black modem,but my internet still can't not work. Maybe the white modem is demaged as well!!! And need another technician to repair it. Could you solve this problem as soon as possible? 

Not applicable

Hi @q1119205940,


For customers experiencing any issues with their service, we recommend the best thing to do first is check if there's an outage.


Check our Service Status page for any known outages.


If you're on NBN, we have created this article that can guide you on How to Check for NBN Network Outage


If there are no known outages in your area, you can proceed with the troubleshooting steps indicated on this link : Troubleshooting No Internet Connection


In your case, we have processed a modem replacement to fix the issue and the consignment details has been provided via PM.


To track the delivery status of the modem, you may check this community article : How To Check TPG Modem Delivery Status


Let us know if we can be of further assistance.