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Why the current PPPOe settings are NOT my username and password?

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Level 2

So, in anticiaption of changing modems, I logged in to my old modem to note the settings etc. However, when I go to PPPoE setting, the username is tpg_acs@tpg_acs . Everything is working fine, its just that after reading numerous set up guides and q&a's on this forum, everything points to me having to use my  . I know a lot of people will say dont worry about it, use whatever works, but I would like to get an understanding as to why the "acs" above is my username in my current modem and should I use these settings on my new modem or use my Thanks


Accepted Solutions

@WFH-SORTED . The interfaces with "ptm" are for FTTB and FTTN connections, either VLAN 2, or VLAN not used. The "8_35" was for ADSL. The "ewan" interfaces are for use with NBN box.

When TPG provide the router, the idea of "acs" is for the router to connect to their auto-config server and set correct username and a generic password. The interface in Connected status should have your username.

The VR1600 will work on FTTP. If you use it, you will change to the ewan-pppoe interface but VLAN ID is not used. 

If you buy some other router, you configure it with your username and password. 

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Hi @WFH-SORTED . What is the model number of your router?

When you look at this PPPoE entry, is it the one with Status of Connected?

My VR1600 has pppoe interfaces that have "acs" values but their status is Disconnected or Disabled.

Level 2

Hi David, Thanks for the quick reply. Yes its the TP-Link Archer 1600V.  Internet connections/EWAN menu it says WAN interface name: ewan_pppoe, Vlan ID:2 Status disconnected. But then I checked under internet connections/Lan Settings, under the Wan Interface Name: pppoe_ptm_2_d and it says this IS connected. Its actually the only one in the list that is connected under Lan Internet connections with all the othe WAN interface names disconnected including a PPPOE_8_35_1d listed as DSL disabled aswell as 8/35 in the VPI/VCI or Vid colomn. I know its proberly something simple which me being a bit dumb is unable to grasp. These settings have been in place for ages and its only now that I am upgrading my modem and soon to be FTTP activated that I have noticed this. Sorry for all the numbers etc...hope I have not spun you out like I am currently.


@WFH-SORTED . The interfaces with "ptm" are for FTTB and FTTN connections, either VLAN 2, or VLAN not used. The "8_35" was for ADSL. The "ewan" interfaces are for use with NBN box.

When TPG provide the router, the idea of "acs" is for the router to connect to their auto-config server and set correct username and a generic password. The interface in Connected status should have your username.

The VR1600 will work on FTTP. If you use it, you will change to the ewan-pppoe interface but VLAN ID is not used. 

If you buy some other router, you configure it with your username and password. 

Level 2

Thank you @david64 for that. I appreciate you taking the time to explain to me.