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Wireless scheduler does not work properly - TPLINK archer vr1600v

Level 2

When I set my wireless scheduler between 0:00 - 7:00am, wireless turns off, but does not turn back on.


So when I check my TPLINK Archer vr1600v interface:

"Internet status" is forever "detecting" (loading wheel keeps spinning).

When I run Diagnostic tools "Network Connection Status Inspect (NCSI)" loads forever.


I tried rebooting, but I experience the same symptoms.



@userok . Still a problem?

Assume you have the router's clock set allowing for daylight saving.

At the off time, do the 2.4G and 5G lights go off?

Do they come on at the on time?

Can a wifi device detect both networks at proper strength?

Do you have an ethernet computer that can login to the Archer interface?



Level 2


I have daylight savings checked.

I disable 5G, and I only use 2.4g. The 2.4g lights do turn off, but not back on.

Devices have no trouble detecting strength.

I use cable to access the Archer interface.


I think it could be a firmware issue according to TPG technicians.