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5 day delay porting phone number after NBN conversion

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Level 2


I was converted to NBN FTTC last Friday 27th Aug. 

I can make outgoing calls from my landline phone but I still cannot get incoming calls.

It's now Thursday morning 2nd Sep. 

So that's 5 days so far without incoming calls - albeit including a weekend.

This is so inconvenient for self and others. 


My install status says "Your installation is currently in progress".

How long should it take to port my existing number over from Telstra? 

(I looked through the install docs again but could not find the bit about how long it would take.)


So when can I expect to receive incoming calls again?

many thanks, Martin


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Hi @martinryan11 ,


Thanks for raising this to us. The normal process is we need to wait for the service to be installed before we can start the porting process. Porting of a homephone number can take up to 5 working days depending on the type of service you have (NBN, ADSL, Offnet). 


We chased this with our Provisioning Team to check the status of the porting, we'll provide an update on this thread when it becomes available.



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Not applicable

Hi @martinryan11 ,


Thanks for raising this to us. The normal process is we need to wait for the service to be installed before we can start the porting process. Porting of a homephone number can take up to 5 working days depending on the type of service you have (NBN, ADSL, Offnet). 


We chased this with our Provisioning Team to check the status of the porting, we'll provide an update on this thread when it becomes available.



Level 2

Hi Shane

the phone is now fixed. I was able to receive incoming phone calls again from yesterday, Friday, after 5PM.  So  - that was a whole seven day week of outage for me. Even if, strictly speaking, only the allowed five business days of outage anyway.  Seems severe.  But all working now though

thanks Martin.


Hi Martin, 


The completion of the number porting takes 1-5 business days after your TPG NBN service is installed. Thus, we're still within the porting time frame as your service was installed on the 27th of August. Nonetheless, we're glad that you've been able to have incoming calls. 


Feel free to respond should you require further assistance. 


Stay safe, 
