ADSL2 to NBN transfer

Level 3



I have been notified by NBNCo that NBN will be ready at my property before "End of april (30/04/2020)". I have signed up for ADSL2+ on 20/03/2020, already paid and made an account, but I am still waiting for it to be installed. It is now 30/03/2020 and I still haven't gotten my ADSL2+ installed, nor have I heard anything from TPG since the day I signed up and paid. It seem's TPG is very quick to grab your money and promise services but when it comes time to delivering the service, they are as slow and responsive as a tortoise flipped on its shell.


What will be the best way to notify TPG that I want to switch over to NBN at the end of April ahead of time so they can prepare a technician to do all this, without going through the gruesome process of contacting them at the end of April once my NBN is ready.


When I spoke to the customer service rep upon signing up for TPG, she told me that there would be no further costs involved, apart from the monthly payment difference between ADSL2+ and whichever NBN bundle i decide to sign up with. Was this a lie in order to make a sale?


Have you received the wifi router from TPG?

Level 3

Yes I have


With ADSL, you could just connect it up. The ADSL light will flash until work at the exchange is completed.

The router is pre-configured by TPG.

There should still be a message from TPG when the service is ready.

If you have a landline telephone, you need a filter/splitter for each phone.

Your speed depends on how far you are from the exchange.

Regarding NBN, now may not be the best time to switch, unless the copper infrastructure in your area is being decommissioned.

How to set up your TP-Link TD-W9970 modem for ADSL2+



IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Delay porting your home phone number to TPG (due to Telstra COVID-19 impact)

Level 3

Hi David,


Thanks for responding.

I've connected it as per instructions but there's still no internet light, it doesn't even flash. Should the light atleast be flashing? I'm still waiting for the message from TPG to say the service is ready.

Is there any way to speed this process up?


I don't have any home phones / didn't pay for landline part of the bundle since I don't plan on getting a home phone.


On the W9970 router, the light to the right of the power light (DSL) has to be ON.

If OFF, there's no connection at the exchange.

If flashing, router is trying to connect.

Completing work may take longer just at the moment.

If the DSL doesn't get to an ON state after you receive the message, it could be a line fault.


Should the DSL light be on and the next one (Internet) is off, you may need to check the TPG userid and password is configured in the router.

Level 3

Hi David,


Thanks for clearing that up. The DSL light is OFF, so it seems there's no connection at the exchange..


From your previous reply, should the COVID-19 delays be affecting me? I'm purchasing ADSL2+ for a new property that doesn't have a home phone number so I've requested TPG to give me a new one when I signed up. From what I read, those delays only affect customers that are porting existing numbers over to TPG, am I right?


That's right.