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Level 2
Dear Team,
I have got my NBN connection installed today afternoon and when NBN operator performed initial setup, the Connecting light was blinking for more than 20 minutes. He said it should not take so much time and went out and performed some changes and after 10 minutes he said that it will work in few minutes. The lights became stable after few minutes., however when I turned off power and turned it On, the Connecting light started to blink again and it’s been more than 4 hours now and still blinking. This is really annoying to see that I’m facing Internet connectivity issues on the first day itself and it’s a bad experience. Even tried contacting customer care but it’s off hours. Can you please check and let us know if this needs another appointment with NBN technician?
Awaiting your earliest action and response.
Account number: 6958606
Not applicable

Hi @Raghunandan ,


Welcome to the community!


We're sad to learn that you're having issues with your newly installed service, we're able to locate the account and we've seen that the issue has been esaclated due to a possible line fault.


Assessment may take 24-48hrs and updates will be provided by one of our Engineers via SMS or Phone call, we apologise for any inconvenience.




@Raghunandan wrote:
Dear Team,
I have got my NBN connection installed today afternoon and when NBN operator performed initial setup, the Connecting light was blinking for more than 20 minutes. He said it should not take so much time and went out and performed some changes and after 10 minutes he said that it will work in few minutes. The lights became stable after few minutes., however when I turned off power and turned it On, the Connecting light started to blink again and it’s been more than 4 hours now and still blinking. This is really annoying to see that I’m facing Internet connectivity issues on the first day itself and it’s a bad experience. Even tried contacting customer care but it’s off hours. Can you please check and let us know if this needs another appointment with NBN technician?
Awaiting your earliest action and response.
Account number: 6958606