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FTTC compatibility with 600 series landline connection/New install queries

Level 2

Hey all


I am currently waiting for my FTTC NBN installation and I had a couple of questions.

I live in a rental and when looking for the phone line for the NCD to connect to, I found an old 600 series connector that seems to have some kind of adapter that turns into either an RJ11 or RJ45 connection port.

Will this suffice to get the NBN to work correctly at my house? The line itself is kind of old and has bare cables (it is hanging from under the kitchen counter).


I also wanted to know if the technician that is coming for the install would put in a new RJ45 port or is that something I would need to organise with an eletrician?


Any answers would be appreciated


Hi @chrisking1997 


The older style 610 socket will be fine for a NBN FTTC service, and no need to replace the socket. You will find that your NBN FTTC will be a self-install, with no need for a technician visit.

You will be shipped your NBN NCD and TPG modem/router with instructions on how to connect your equipment. It is a pretty simple process you shouldn’t have any trouble connecting your equipment.





Hello Chris,

Thank you for your message today and for being a part of the TPG Community.

The 600 series plug and adaptor should be fine for your NBN FTTC connection so long as they are in good condition.

If you have arranged a technicians visit to install your service hey will replace the socket if necessary.

If your connection is a self install option simply plug your NBN NCD in once you have received confirmation from TPG that your new connection is active.

I have attached some links for you to follow that may help.





If you want RJ45 cabling, you need to arrange that with an electrician.

Don't like the sound of "old and bare" and "hanging under the kitchen counter". You might ask your agent if the landlord would pay to have the telephone cabling fixed up, or allow you to get it done.