
No new updates yet with the FTTP upgrade program, but we have listed many addresses to participate in the program; has your address been listed already?


If not yet, shoot me a PM with your details so we can check if your address is listed in the program. At the same time, register the account so you can be notified of the progress of the FTTP upgrade


How to send a PM? 




"Early September" has now past and TPG is STILL not on the list of participating providors for FTTP Fibre Connect. Over the phone TPG customers are still being told they can have their details registered for when TPG does become a participating providor and that FTTP should be available soon.


Level 2

Hi Shane, thanks for the prompt reply.


Yes, my suburb is already listed as eligible for free FTTP connections from Participating Providors, along with many hundeds of other suburbs across Australia.


Only Participating Providors can offer these FTTP connections through the program. TPG is not currently a Participaring Providor.


NBN Co identifies the elegible locations based on demand, workfoce and cost, providing mail-outs to elegible residents. The list of selected areas is available on the the NBN Co website. Asking TPG customers to become "listed" inferring it will assist in becomming elegible is misleading.


The responsibility is with TPG to become a Participating Providor, which they're currently not. Customers are clearly looking for better updates on TPG's progress to convice them they don't need to switch to a provider who can connect them today for free.


For clarity there are currently 44 providers who are participating and endorsed to deliver FTTP free listed here-



Hi @Signals


TPG will be listed on the NBN participating provider on 20 September 2023.

That's also the start for our team to contact the customers that registered their interest with the upgrade.


If your address has been registered, then our team will be in touch with you via Email or phone call with the details on the 20 September onwards.



Level 3

I hope you are correct