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FTTP still not connected 3 days after upgrade

Level 2
NBNco tech tested the connection and said it was working. Got an SMS from NBNco saying the upgrade was complete to wait for my ISP to tell me when to change over.

Was sent another SMS saying "your upgrade is complete but we can't see you online to configure it?".. so changed from old (copper) box to new (fibre) connection..

WiFi connection kept taking me to a page that said "configuring now. This can take up to 30mins".

Decided to let it happen overnight. The following day, still no connection. We called 24hrs after the NBNco and TPG texts and were told someone hadn't "finalised the ticket".. but it would be ip and running within 24hrs.

I had to call again 28hrs later, wait 90mins to speak to someone who tried to talk me through manually configuring the (VX220-G2v) router. Made sure it was all set up correctly.. said he needed to do a call out to help me. Transfered me and my call was immediately disconnected.
Level 2
NBNco tech tested the connection and said it was working. Got an SMS from NBNco saying the upgrade was complete to wait for my ISP to tell me when to change over.

Was sent another SMS saying "your upgrade is complete but we can't see you online to configure it?".. so changed from old (copper) box to new (fibre) connection..

WiFi connection kept taking me to a page that said "configuring now. This can take up to 30mins".

Decided to let it happen overnight. The following day, still no connection. We called 24hrs after the NBNco and TPG texts and were told someone hadn't "finalised the ticket".. but it would be ip and running within 24hrs.

I had to call again 28hrs later, wait 90mins to speak to someone who tried to talk me through manually configuring the (VX220-G2v) router. Made sure it was all set up correctly.. said he needed to do a call out to help me. Transfered me and my call was immediately disconnected.

Hi @Anthony_Viles . What colour are the Power, Optical and Alarm lights on NBN box?

TPG should have advised you of which UNI-D port to use, usually D1.

Login to VX220 and check config. PPPoE, username and password.

For FTTP, check that VLAN ID is Disabled.

Level 2
Hi David.

The router configuration is complete. It's plugged into D1.

Power light is solid green, optical light flashing green. Alarm light not lit.

I was told yesterday by engineering team that it was all visible, but needed some codes entered by a different team, that it could take up to 24hrs but it would be flagged as a priority to be done sooner, due to it taking 3 days for someone to identify this as the issue.

But it looks like its going to take longer than 24hrs.. and likely won't be resolved or escalated again until 9am when have to make my 4th call in 4 days to prompt some sort of action.

Hi @Anthony_Viles 


How's your new NBN FTTP service? Is it online now?


If not, please send us a private message with your account details and we'll see how can we help.

