Internet speed

Level 2

Good morning.My internet speed is incredibly slow (0.02 - 0.05) . This just happened on April 12th, 2020. I have been woriking from home the past couple of weeks and as I am a teacher with NSW Education DEpartment it is really necessary that the internet provides reliable and fast service. 

I fully understand that there may be congestion yet it doesn't make any sense to me why this suddenly happened overnight April 12th and not during the 2 weeks prior when I was conducitng ZOOM and SKYPE lessons from home with my classes. 

I have tried resetting the modem using apin to hold it in for 15 seconds and this did not change things too much.  Please contact me on 0425246177. My name is Tracey Cook and the home line number is (02 9527 0531)  My sone Harrison set this account up for me and if it means I need to upgrade then I will need to do this immediately as I have lessons to prepare.

Thank you for attending to this  and I hope to hear from you as soon as possible. Tracey Cook


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