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Moving home taking way too long

Level 2
Can I please get an ETA on when our internet will be set up in our new home?

I filled the moving home form A WEEK IN ADVANCE and said we are moving on the 5th. The new place already has an NBN connection and box in place, we aren't changing to a different plan or anything like that, so what's the hold up?

We rely heavily on the internet and I would think a weeks notice, with no installation needed, would be more than enough to switch it on.

Hi mxstardust, 


Are you able to PM us your customer ID or username so I can check if I have the correct account here. 


Please use this reference on how to send a Private Message 

Level 2
Have PM'd you, thanks.
Not applicable

Thanks, mxstardust. We can confirm that the installation is still in progress, we will arrange our Provisioning Team to contact you to provide the update. Please send us a PM with your best contact number and preferred time.