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NBN installation cancelled email

Level 2


Username: xxxx 
Customer ID: xxxxx

I received an email from saying that "Unfortunately, we are currently unable to activate the NBN connection to your premises, because the installation has been requested to be cancelled. To cancel your account, please email Please ensure you include your ADSL username or customer ID in any correspondence." 

I have not cancelled the installation, I have just relocated which I spoke to the moving home service about on Thursday 21st of April, which was all fine. 

From the email, I understand that TPG-NBN cannot be installed at my premises, therefore, I need to cancel my account and choose a different provider. Could you please let me know if my understanding is correct? 

This contradicts what the moving home customer service told me and when I check NBN availability at the premises. 

Assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated. 

Kind regards, 

Not applicable

We're able to locate the account and confirmed that a provisioning issue is caused of the Application Withdrawal. We will chase this with our Accounts Team and have them contact you to discuss details of the NBN installation. Could you please send us a Private Message with your best contact number and preferred time?



Username: xxxx 
Customer ID: xxxxx

I received an email from saying that "Unfortunately, we are currently unable to activate the NBN connection to your premises, because the installation has been requested to be cancelled. To cancel your account, please email Please ensure you include your ADSL username or customer ID in any correspondence." 

I have not cancelled the installation, I have just relocated which I spoke to the moving home service about on Thursday 21st of April, which was all fine. 

From the email, I understand that TPG-NBN cannot be installed at my premises, therefore, I need to cancel my account and choose a different provider. Could you please let me know if my understanding is correct? 

This contradicts what the moving home customer service told me and when I check NBN availability at the premises. 

Assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated. 

Kind regards, 


Hi @JagenRoss23


Your installation is now in progress and you should receive the installation confirmation on your email. 


Installation progress can also be checked here: Installation Tracker


Let us know if we can be of further assistance. 


