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NBN installation schedule for a month later?

Level 2



I ordered NBN 50 on the 28th of April over the phone with express directions that my house was newly built and required a connection of the leading cable to the pit which required a specialised technician from NBN. My first installation was scheduled on the 5/05/2020 and the technician took a single look and said he would need to come back out with the proper tools (which indicated TPG had ignored my details). Thankfully NBN co. was prepared for this scenario due to me calling them up several days in advance of the technicians arrival and managed to get the physical cable connection done yesterday on the 7/05/2020.

Now however, I have received an email update from TPG telling my my rescheduled appointment is on the 11/06/2020. This is more than a month later than the initial scheduled date. This is ridiculous considering the majority of the difficult ground work is now already complete. Is there any way to reschedule my appointment to an earlier date? 


Hi @will31chen 

Welcome to the community,


Could you please send me a PM (private message) with your Full Name, CID (customer identication number) and your mobile phone number, so I can take a look at your service?





Hi @will31chen 


The appointment is showing for the 11 June 2020, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM. There must be a pretty high work volume in your area at the moment.


I have requested for our provisioning team to investigate, to see if there is any way we can push this date up. Since it is a Friday and we will need to wait for NBN to reply, I would hope to get a reply early next. If you don’t hear anything by Monday afternoon message me again and I’ll follow-up.







Hi @will31chen 


I just got a reply from our Provisioning Team and the earliest appointment we can get you is Tuesday 19 May 2020, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM. I have moved the appointment to this date. Let me know if there is any issues with the new date. This is the earliest we can get at this stage.




Level 2

Hi KarlB,

Is there any possiblity of moving the appointment any earlier? I have had to move into the new house on the 6th of may, because my previous rental contract was up and I was assuming there would be internet. Due to the current pandemic restrictions, my son requires internet due to his high school moving to online classes and my daughter's university tutorials are all online too now. With local libraries and internet cafe's closed I had no choice but to apologise for their absence and stretch my small amount of mobile broadband to the limit.


Hi @will31chen

This is the earliest we can get at this stage.
