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Need help with new NBN connection which sux


Hi @Nbnsux,


We understand that your assigned Engineer has been in touch and have requested a TPG technician to further investigate the issue that you are experiencing.


Updates will be given via SMS or phone call once available.




Level 2

yeah the engineers... not sure how they graduated when they cant copy and paste my email address properly. what a waste of a day waiting for the so called email sent several times... heres the latest for your information:


Despite my better judgement I have wasted another 20 mins of my life running your waste of time tests and I couldn’t be angrier. I have work to do I have spent most of the day checking for your ** email that your staff couldn’t even send properly!!!!


Here are your screen shots so you can tick your boxes and do what with it...? i’m just waiting for you to suggest I should wait another week for a new modem or a technician which I have already been asking for all day!!!!


By the way you didn’t get your speed tests because the ** internet is so ** useless it wont even open the site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so angry!!!!!!!!!!! I have done so many of your ** speed tests and its time for you to accept my very first statement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is not working!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I want it fixed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I expect I will not be paying for 3 months after the ** thing is working as compensation now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This has now cost me 2 jobs of unknown value because the internet wouldn’t open the Hipages leads so yes TIO regarding it affecting my business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It has also affected my home security that relies on the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Whats next!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????


The technician had better arrive with new equipment and fix this tomorrow because its giving me extreme stress and anxiety and I am tired of fighting for my rights to have internet in 2019 in Australia in a Sydney suburb !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its ridiculous and this run around lack of help is not acceptable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not applicable

Hi @Nbnsux,


We apologise for the inconvenience. We will pass this to the assigned Complaints Resolution Case Manager for additional reference on the escalated Complaint to avoid confusion. We'll request for urgent feedback tomorrow.



Level 2
Please advise the relevant people I am home now till 2:55pm for the technician to attend
Not applicable

Thanks for letting us know, @Nbnsux. We have already advised our Engineering Team and one of our case engineers will contact you to discuss the matter.

Level 2
Thanks I’m back at work next week so if they can’t get here today will have to be after hours
Not applicable

Hi @Nbnsux, we can see that our Engineering Team has been in touch and you were advised that a technician attend today anytime before 3PM NSW.


The team is closely monitoring your case and the case engineer will contact you once the final report is received from the technician.


Furthermore, your concern has been raised to our Complaints Resolution Team and a Complaints Resolution Case Manager will contact you within 24-48 hours to further discuss the matter.


Let us know if we can be of further assistance. Thank you.

Level 2
Thank you technician is here trying his best
Level 2
So he unplugged everything to try his laptop and it worked! However the pc still won’t work and tried everything including my other pc and wifi and different cables and can’t get it to work well even though it’s better than it was. I will see what happens with the consistency but I need my computers working as well. He didn’t try a different modem and I am worried it won’t hold I don’t want to be plugging in and out and resetting all the time but will see what happens over the weekend. He is submitting report to see if anyone else has any ideas re the computers as well
Level 2
We definitely also have a range issue as the speeds he was getting near the modem can’t be obtained elsewhere in the house how can we extend range?