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Port TPG phone number to another carrier

Level 2

I am a happy TPG customer.

I would like to replace my TPLink router with a Unifi USG.

My understanding is that my existing land line number will not work as it comes off the TPLink modem/router.

What are my options?

Can I use the TPLink modem/router as an ATA to provide this phone connection?

Can I port this number to a VoIP provider?

Not applicable

Hi jamesesptech.

Yes, the VoIP will only work using our supplied modem/router. ATA will not work using our supplied VR1600. 

Voice service cannot be cancelled separately. Since TPG NBN is a bundle plan, cancellation will cease both services.





I am a happy TPG customer.

I would like to replace my TPLink router with a Unifi USG.

My understanding is that my existing land line number will not work as it comes off the TPLink modem/router.

What are my options?

Can I use the TPLink modem/router as an ATA to provide this phone connection?

Can I port this number to a VoIP provider?

Level 2

Can I move the TPLink router to the other side of the Unifi USG (LAN side) and still use it to provide my phone service?


If not, can I change my plan to internet only and port the existing phone number to a VoIP carrier?

Not applicable

Hi jamesesptech. The VoIP will only work when the supplied TPG modem/router is used as an Authenticating Device. As previsouly mentioned, voiceservice cannot be cancelled separately. Since TPG NBN is a bundle plan, cancellation will cease both services.


Can I move the TPLink router to the other side of the Unifi USG (LAN side) and still use it to provide my phone service?


If not, can I change my plan to internet only and port the existing phone number to a VoIP carrier?

Level 2

Hi Shane,

Thanks for the reply.

What is the process if I eant to transfer the phone numbmer to a new carrier and change my TPG plan to Internet only?

I still want TPG to provide my internet service, but I would also like to beneift from the features of the unifi USG.


Hi @jamesesptech


I strongly recommend that you port out your TPG phone number first to your preferred phone provider. Once done, our Plan Change Team can lodge your plan change from NBN bundle to NBN internet only. You can either use a third party modem or the same TPG supplied modem.  


The NBN will have a separate connection from your new landline service from another provider. 


