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I need to connect to some other provider and currently with TPG and for that I need to delete VLAN Id but it is not allowing as showing as message - VLAND id alreday exist but there is no record in the grid.
Hi @ajayrtr
Depending on your type of service with us, the VLAN ID might be needed for the service to work.
If you are going to transfer to another provider, then you may contact their support for further assistance with the configuration of the modem that will align with their service.
Thanks for the reply. Another provider does not need VLAN ID , they just configure based on dynamic IP.
With this modem , I can't delete the VLAN id and that is the problem.
Hi @ajayrtr
Instead of deleting it, have you tried to create a new configuration for the provided modem/router?
If it's still won't work, then you might need to purchase a new modem/router for your 3rd party provider.